Monday, September 16, 2019

Amukah Part 2

It is not known how & when the Amukah Shidduch Segulah originated.
Some claim that the  origin goes back to a Rashi Yevamos 17a 

The source for the Amuka Segulah from the Rashi Yevamos 17a was made up by a prankster.

The Gemoro says, why is it called הרפניא? Because of all the פסולין
(Mamzeirim etc.) who turn towards (go to) this mountain to find
a spouse. (& having illegitimate children)

רבא said "This mountain is deeper (עמוקה) than שאול (Gihenom) From Gihenom one can be redeemed whereas a Mamzer remains that way forever.

עמוקה in Yevamos is not referring to the town Amukah but to the word "deeper".


If the source was a prank, then perhaps instead of 
the Davening festivals at Amukah we should practice
the 2 most important Segulos

1) Daven at home or in local Shul (can be done without 40                  Rabbonim for 40 days)

2) a) Talk - Redt Shidduchim.

    b) Talk & explain to all your friends etc. why if we don't
       do anything about narrowing the age gap we will
       end up ח"ו  with 20% of our sisters & daughters 


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