Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Birkas Hamazon after drinking water


ואכלת ושבעת וברכת    

Birkas Hamazon after drinking  water

According to R.Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, If someone was
thirsty at the end of his meal, and waited to drink
water till after Birkas Hamazon, he must Bentch again
Birkas Hamazon * (D’oryasa)

Based on the Mordechai who holds if you are thirsty
at the end of the meal and Bentch then your Benching
was only מדרבנן.

Therefore, Reb Chaim holds, after you Bentched if you
drink a glass of water you  are now מחויב מן התורה
to Bentch(again)
The first Bentching doesn't count since it was only
a דרבנן Bentching.

Mori V'Rabi R. Shlomo Miller Shlita argues on Reb Chaim
and holds there is no need to repeat the Birkas Hamazon
after drinking the water.

*see Rema O.Ch. 197:4

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