כ"ו תמוז?
In 1916 a
bookseller named Naftali Zvi
Shapiro offered to sell to Abraham
letters written
by the Baal Shem Tov
that had been stored in
some Geniza (cache
of old documents).
There was confusion as to where
the Geniza was, if in
St. Petersburg, Kiev,
or Kharkov.
In 1921, the letters appeared again in
Odessa, having originated (supposedly) in
the government archive in Kherson. This
cache was supposedly confiscated from
the Ruzhiner Rebbe zt"l. when he was put
in prison.
The story that went around was that in the
confusion following the
revolution in 1917,
the letters were removed from
the Kherson archive
and brought
to Odessa. There most of the letters were
by a wealthy Chasid Shmuel
Gurary who presented them to
his Rebbe the Maharshab, Rabbi Shalom
Dov Ber zt"l..
In the 1930s, Rabbi Yosef
Yitzhak, zt"l (Frierdiger Rebbe) published
some three hundred letters, purportedly
from the pen of the Besht etc. in
the Chabad journal- Hatamim.
It soon became apparent, that the
authenticity of the manuscripts
Close inspection of the contents, form, and
paper cast serious doubt on
Today, outside of Chabad there are
virtually no authorities who
consider these
letters anything other than forgeries.
Scholars examined the letters from
the Kherson Geniza attributed
to the
Baal Shem Tov and matched up the dates
to the day of week in which they were written. it was discovered
that some of the dates coincided with Shabbosos & Yomim
Tovim. Also, the type of paper that was used on the manuscripts was
not yet available then.
The Imrei Emes (Gerrer Rebbe) ,R. Yisochor Dov Rokeach (Belzer
Rebbe), and Minchas Elozor (Munkatcher Rebbe) zt"l
all took issue with the authenticity of these letters.
Outside of Chabad there are no sources that suggest they were
not forgeries.
The last Lubavitcher Rebbe Zt"l who was an expert on old Seforim and
manuscripts insisted that they are indeed authentic and
wouldn't give in to the academics who tried to convince him
In the Sefer Hatamim, there are two Besht letters from the Kherson Geniza declaring
the Yom Tov of
כ"ו תמוז.
It is interesting that as far as I know. no one, not
even Chabad celebrates כ"ו תמוז.
from JNS dot org:
ReplyDelete“Under the Trump administration,
the United States argued that UNRWA
[United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees]
has perpetuated, rather than helped,
end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
by extending refugee status to
the children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren of those who
fled Israel during the establishment
of the Jewish state in 1948.”
SOURCE: UNRWA Leaders Accused
of Sexual Misconduct, Ethics Violations
In 1958, former director of
UNRWA Ralph Galloway declared
angrily while in Jordan:
“The Arab states do NOT want to solve
the [Palestinian] refugee problem.
They want to keep it as an open sore,
as an affront to the United Nations,
and as a weapon against Israel.
Arab leaders do not give a damn
whether Arab refugees live or die.”
From Time Immemorial: The Origins
of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine
(chapter 2, page 23) by Joan Peters,
year 1984, JKAP Publications
Tuvia Tenenbom [a secular Israeli author] said:
ReplyDelete“Outside of the Orthodox community,
where Jews are proud to be Jews,
and are observing Jewish Law...
In state-after-state, temple-after-temple,
what I saw and what I witnessed was a nightmare:
You see [non-Orthodox] Rabbis, so-called
Rabbis, leaders, supposedly leaders,
standing at a podium, and all they can
tell to their listeners, is that Israel
is an apartheid state, and that Judaism
is racist. That is what they preach,
over and over and over and over again...”
SOURCE: Shocking Tuvia Tenenbom
Interview Tells Truth about Reform & Conservative Jews
a YouTube video/published on 2017 July 17
from the Jewish Virtual Library:
“Leading up to Israel's independence
in [year] 1948, it was common for
the international press to label Jews,
not Arabs, living in the [British]
mandate as Palestinians.
It was not until years after Israeli
independence that the Arabs living
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
were called Palestinians.”
SOURCE: Origin of "Palestine"