Thursday, April 18, 2019


         According  to  Mori V'rabi Harav Hagaon Reb Shlomo Miller Shlita:

 The Mishna Verurah holds,that דבר שטיבולו במשקין(food dipped in liquids} doesn't require  נטילת ידיים if eaten with cutlery (no contact with hands).

Therefore it is preferable to handle the כרפס by hand (no cutlery) so that the ורחץ will be a מצוה.

1 comment:

  1. “Among secular and Reform Jews, however,
    there persists an unarticulated hunch that
    Hasidim (of whom Lubavitchers are the
    best-known sect) are the most authentically Jewish Jews….

    Most Reform homes have on their walls at least
    one painting of Hasidim dancing…

    Especially outside of New York City, where
    you don’t encounter live specimens very often,
    Jews are glad that Hasidim exist,
    perpetually dancing or arguing or whatever
    exactly they do with their time.

    While we ourselves marry Gentiles and bid our
    children farewell as they exit the Jewish people,
    thanks to the Hasidim we know there
    will always be Jews.

    This comforting thought goes a long way
    toward explaining the money secular Jews
    are willing to part with to support Lubavitchers.

    They are our excuse, and they are well worth the expense.”

    SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
    My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy

    (chapter 5, page 82) by David Klinghoffer,
    year 1998 CE, published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


    “Pioneered by an unbelieving Jew, Baruch Spinoza,
    and perfected by a 19th-century German, Julius Wellhausen,
    with his Documentary Hypothesis, this approach began
    with the assumption that G_d could not have dictated
    the entire Pentateuch.

    The rest followed naturally.”

    SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
    My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy

    (chapter 6, page 97) by David Klinghoffer,
    year 1998 CE, published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


    “Without saying so explicitly, my mother had
    made clear to me that she would be disappointed
    if I married a Gentile.

    So have many other secular, Reform, or Conservative
    Jewish mothers made this clear to their children.

    But for most of these same mothers,
    Judaism is mainly an ethnic designation,
    with no relationship to ultimate truths.

    SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
    My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy

    (chapter 9, page 143) by David Klinghoffer,
    year 1998 CE, published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


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