Thursday, January 17, 2019

recommend segulos

Harav A.Y.L. Shteinman Zt"l  said, "The only Segulos one should pursue, are the ones that the Segula in itself is a מצוה."

Even if the Segulah won't work, the זכות of doing the מצוה might work.

Harav Hagaon R. Naftoli Friedler zt"l (R.Y. Ner Yisroel Toronto) said, "Some Segulos that are being pursued by the masses, are because of the

 "שמץ יצר הרע של ע"ז שעוד נשאר אצלינו
( trace of the Avoda Zara Yetzer Hora that wasn't eradicated from us)


  1. Midrash Tanchuma, Parshat Mishpatim, chapter 9:
    “In this world, the wicked people are wealthy people
    and also enjoy tranquility, in order to reward them, in
    this world, for the few good deeds that are in their hands.”



    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “The anti-Semitism from the right is
    the typical fascist anti-Semitism that
    we remember from the bad and dark old days.

    The anti-Semitism of the left is quite
    different; it disguises itself as anti-Zionism,
    but it quickly morphs into anti-Semitism.

    When students yell there’s no room for Zionists
    at Hunter College, they don’t mean Zionists.

    They mean Jews. When they attack the
    Zionist president of Hunter, they attack
    the woman who happens to be Jewish.

    I don’t even know what her views on Israel are.

    So, it’s a new form of anti-Semitism
    disguised as anti-Zionism.
    We have to fight it hard.”

    SOURCE: Alan Dershowitz on Trump,
    Israel, and Anti-Semitism

    by Hannah Grossman, 2018 November 6


    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “G*D will give the Jewish people strength,
    only then will the Jewish people have peace,
    and that is the lesson of the Holocaust;
    that is the lesson of Israel.

    A strong Israel is required to get peace.
    Never apologize for your strength.”

    SOURCE: Alan Dershowitz
    Dismantles the BDS Movement

    a YouTube video by Alan M. Dershowitz, 2016/7/23


    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “The difference between Israel and Hamas
    [an Islamic terrorist organization] is
    that Israel uses its soldiers to protect
    its civilians, whereas Hamas uses its
    civilians to protect its terrorists.

    That is why most of Israeli casualties
    have been soldiers and most of Hamas'
    casualties have been civilians.

    The other reason is that Israel builds
    shelters for its civilians, whereas
    Hamas builds shelters only for its
    terrorists, intending that most of the
    casualties be among its civilian shields.”

    SOURCE: Needless death and destruction
    in Gaza
    by Alan M. Dershowitz, 2014 August 11



    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “The anti-Semitism from the right is
    the typical fascist anti-Semitism that
    we remember from the bad and dark old days.

    The anti-Semitism of the left is quite
    different; it disguises itself as anti-Zionism,
    but it quickly morphs into anti-Semitism.

    When students yell there’s no room for Zionists
    at Hunter College, they don’t mean Zionists.

    They mean Jews. When they attack the
    Zionist president of Hunter, they attack
    the woman who happens to be Jewish.

    I don’t even know what her views on Israel are.

    So, it’s a new form of anti-Semitism
    disguised as anti-Zionism.
    We have to fight it hard.”

    SOURCE: Alan Dershowitz on Trump,
    Israel, and Anti-Semitism

    by Hannah Grossman, 2018 November 6


    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “G*D will give the Jewish people strength,
    only then will the Jewish people have peace,
    and that is the lesson of the Holocaust;
    that is the lesson of Israel.

    A strong Israel is required to get peace.
    Never apologize for your strength.”

    SOURCE: Alan Dershowitz
    Dismantles the BDS Movement

    a YouTube video by Alan M. Dershowitz, 2016/7/23


    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “The difference between Israel and Hamas
    [an Islamic terrorist organization] is
    that Israel uses its soldiers to protect
    its civilians, whereas Hamas uses its
    civilians to protect its terrorists.

    That is why most of Israeli casualties
    have been soldiers and most of Hamas'
    casualties have been civilians.

    The other reason is that Israel builds
    shelters for its civilians, whereas
    Hamas builds shelters only for its
    terrorists, intending that most of the
    casualties be among its civilian shields.”

    SOURCE: Needless death and destruction
    in Gaza
    by Alan M. Dershowitz, 2014 August 11


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