or Pizza?
In Shulchan Aruch, there is no mention to eat on Chanukah, food
fried in oil.
(Latkes & donuts etc.)
In Shulchan Aruch (Rema) it does say to eat cheese on
Chanukah.(Latkes & donuts etc.)
The Chasam Sofer writes about a kabala He has from his Rebbe- Reb Mendele Lilig Zt"lwho had a Kabbala from the Shev Yakov : ...
Babylonian Talmud, tractate Shabbat, page 21B:
ReplyDeleteOur Rabbis taught: The Chanukah lamp
[Menorah] should be placed near the
door of your house, from the outside.
If you live on an upper floor, place it
in a window that faces in the public domain.
In a time of danger, place it on your table,
and that is enough.
Rabbi Steven Pruzansky of Congregation
Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey:
“…the [ancient] Greeks, against whom the
Maccabees fought and prevailed, were avid
supporters of and indulgers in homosexuality.
It was just one of the immoral practices
of the Hellenists that the faithful Jews
found so repugnant, and therefore went
to war in order to purge the land of it.”
SOURCE: Another Mistake on Chanuka
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, 2012/12/13
Mr. Daniel Byman said:
“...roughly half of Palestinians say it
[suicide bombing] is at least sometimes justified...”
SOURCE: Al Qaeda, the Islamic State,
and the Global Jihadist Movement: What Everyone
Needs to Know (chapter 3, page 56)
by Daniel Byman, Oxford University Press, year 2015,
ISBN: 019021726X (paperback) ISBN: 9780190217266
(paperback) ISBN: 0190217251 ISBN: 9780190217259
Mr. Dennis Prager said:
“According to Pew Research, approximately
10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable
opinion of the Islamic State and terror against
civilians. That's more than 100 million people.”
SOURCE: The World Is Getting Worse
But This Time America Won't Save It
by Dennis Prager, 2016 March 8,
seen in Jewish World Review
The Myth of the Tiny
Radical Muslim Minority:
(a YouTube video by Mr. Ben Shapiro)
Where Are the Moderate Muslims?
(a YouTube video by Mr. Hussein Aboubakr and Prager U)