Wednesday, December 1, 2021

holy candles

וכי נר קדושה יש בה? (שבת כ"ב ע"א)

The Gemoro says that one may not count money in front of Chanukah candles

The Gemoro asks why not וכי נר קדושה יש בה? 

The Gemoro answers that the reason is not
because of  Kedusha but because of שלא יהו מצוות בזויות.

The Gemoro seems to agree there is no such thing as holy Chanukah candles.

How can we say הנרות הללו קדש הם* ? 

מס' סופרים

1 comment:

  1. Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    "It is true that the American legal system
    derives much of its content from the Old Testament
    [also known as the Jewish Bible or Tanach]…

    When we were growing up, my friends and I would take great pride in discovering the Jewish sources of American laws, such as: the privilege against self-incrimination, the requirement of two witnesses for certain types of crime, and the very idea that punishment must be proportionate to the crime committed.”

    SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
    (chapter 10, page 318) published in year 1991
    by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374

    “What beliefs did the Reform movement stand for?

    A fog surrounds them in the minds of most Reform temple-goers, but when I visited Rabbi Dinnerstein in his study at the temple in 1995 to ask for some clarification of his views, he said something that crystallized Reform thinking for me.

    I asked him what he thought happened at Mount Sinai.

    He answered that he wasn’t sure but he
    didn’t think it mattered that much.

    From this blithe dismissal of the most crucial event in Jewish history, the rest of his religious outlook flowed naturally.”

    SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
    My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy
    (chapter 3,
    page 41) by David Klinghoffer, 1998,
    published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X

    “…the Reform movement represented by your local Reform temple has its roots in social ambition, in this case among German Jews. The scholar I. Grunfeld identifies three stages in the early history of Reform. The first, naïve stage was initiated in 1810 at Seesen, Westphalia, where a group of wealthy Jews opened the original Reform temple.

    The service was intended to simulate Christian prayer,
    complete with church bells.”

    SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
    My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy
    (chapter 3, page 37)
    by David Klinghoffer, 1998, published by Free Press,
    ISBN 0-7432-4267-X

    “An invention of the Reform movement, the notion of “confirming” young Jews at age fifteen is borrowed
    from Christianity. A sort of Judaized first communion…”

    SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
    My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy
    (chapter 4, page 52)
    by David Klinghoffer, 1998, published by Free Press,
    ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


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Riddle For Todays Daf Yomi - SUKKAH 16a

                             RIDDLE      The safe on 47th St. N.Y. was cracked on the  second ...