Monday, November 5, 2018

וה' ברך את אברהם בכל

Parshas Hashavua 
Bava Basra 141a (16b)

וה' ברך את אברהם בכל, ר"מ אומר שלא היה לו בת

The Ksav Sofer (Parshas Chaya Sarah) writes, that the Rambam wrote to his son a letter, where he blames his daughter for his white hairs which came about from all the worries, he had to marry her off to someone befitting his family.

The Ksav Sofer concludes,Avraham, even with all his riches etc. would have worried to marry off a daughter and that was the Bracha of not having one. (No daughters No worries)

Perhaps we can say Pshat in R. Meir that the Bracha of not having any daughters
refers to not having any unmarried daughters at home after they reach marrigable age.

The Pasuk says ואברהם זקן When Avraham reached old age. ברך - בכל  he was blessed then by not having single daughter(s) at home,

1 comment:

  1. Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    The Grand Mufti [Islamic leader] of Jerusalem, in addition to becoming Hitler’s ally during World War II, adapted Nazi genocidal theory to Islamic theology.

    He called on his Muslim brothers to:
    “Murder the Jews! Murder them all.”

    Other Islamic leaders used Nazi words like “extermination” in referring to the goals of Arab victory [against Israel].

    SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
    (chapter 4, page 119) published in year 1991
    by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374

    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “Every current criticism of Israel – whether made by Israelis, American Jews, or others – is used by its enemies as part of an explicit international campaign to delegitimize Israel.”

    SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
    (chapter 7, page 213) published in year 1991
    by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374

    The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority

    If you want the truth about Israel
    and the Middle East, then do not waste
    your time with the FAKE NEWS
    of The New York Times and the
    Israel-bashing mainstream-news-media.

    Instead, visit these web sites:


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