Thursday, November 10, 2022

Amazing Vort For Parshas Vayeiro

Parshas Hashavua 
מאת אבי מורי ר' צבי יהודה פרידמן ע"ה
"*למועד אשר דבר אתו אלוהים" 

Rashi says:
The מלאך made a scratch on the wall and said that he will return the following year when the sun will be at the exact same spot and שרה will have a child.

The מלאכים visited אברהם the first day of פסח.
יצחק was born the following year on the first day of פסח.


The timing is off by 11 days!

It takes 365 days for the sun to return to the same spot.  (solar year).
From פסח to פסח the following year is only 354 days.
When the sun returned to the same spot it was 11 days after Yitzchok’s birth.


The מלאך who promised to return was not for  Yitzchok’s birth. He promised to return  11 days later.

It is written in the seforim that מלאך רפאל visits newborn boys 3 days after their Bris. (ג' למילתו) to heal them.

It was מלאך רפאל  who  scratched  the wall and promised to return exactly on the day when the sun will be at the
same spot 365 days later.

מלאך רפאל   returned not for the birth but to heal יצחק  three   days after his ברית

יצחק was born 354 days after the מלאך made the scratch on the wall on the first day of פסח  plus 8 days for theBris and 3 days (354+8+3=365)


  1. With Shlishi lemila is 10 days, not 11. The day of the bris is counted.

  2. 355 days
    The Jewish calendar is lunisolar—i.e., regulated by the positions of both the moon and the sun. It consists usually of 12 alternating lunar months of 29 and 30 days each (except for Ḥeshvan and Kislev, which sometimes have either 29 or 30 days), and totals 353, 354, or 355 days per year.


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