Wednesday, May 30, 2018



וכי תבואו מלחמה -- והרעתם בחצצרת (במדבר י: ט)                   

מצות עשה מן התורה לזעוק ולהריע בחצוצרות על כל צרה (רמבם הל' תעניות א:א)
ואם היה דבר בחזירים מתענין מפני שמעיהם דומים לשל בני אדם (שו"ע או"ח תקעה :ג)

The Rambam & Shulchan Aruch write there is a Mitzvah to blow
trumpets for every צרה not only מלחמה.

The Shulchan Aruch lists all the צרות where fasting and blowing
trumpets are required.

One of them is when there is an animal plague and the pigs die.
The reason for it is,because human stomachs are similar to pig stomachs.

The (מגן אברהם (ס' תקעו  asks he doesn't understand why we don't
use trumpets today which is more important than fasting*.

*Trumpets is דאורייתא fasting is only דרבנן- see Rambam
The Pri Megadim, Ya'avetz, Chida, Shu"t Mishna Halachos & Shu"t Lehoros Noson
all try to come up with a reason why we don't do it today..

1 comment:

  1. Isaiah, chapter 66, verse 17, teaches that Jews who
    eat the meat of pigs will be punished by G*D.

    For more information, please go to:

    Was Isaiah an Orthodox Jew?


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