Tuesday, January 17, 2023

וַיַּעֲשׂוּ גַם הֵם חַרְטֻמֵּי מִצְרַיִם בְּלַהֲטֵיהֶם כֵּן


The Sefer שלחן העזר quotes the סהמ"ט* (I don't know the Roshei Teivos- Please help)   

"Chasanim & Kallos before walking down to the Chupa untie all the knots they are wearing. 

The reason for doing so is to prevent from כשפים (witchcraft) which might put a spell on the couple and prevent them from having relations.

Another option of making this witchcraft ineffective is by placing a piece of gold or a gold coin in the Chosson's pocket.

The above is not a Minhag but a Segula people adopted to prevent witchcraft from harming them.

The יראים & תמימים (who fear & trust Hashem) rely on  תמים תהי' עם ה' אלוקך & שומר מצוה לא ידע דבר רע (Don't bother unknotting)"

1 comment:

  1. Dear Toras Aba,

    Your Roshei Teivos are probably a spelling error
    because it does not appear in my Roshei Teivos book
    (I just checked a few minutes ago).

    More like correct is Samech Heh Mem Kuf,
    which stands for Sefer HaMitzvot KaKatan.

    I hope this helps.

    Mr. Cohen

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