לזכות נשמת אבי מורי *ר' צבי יהודה (האשי) בן ר' משה ע"ה.
נפטר א' דר"ח טבת (ל' כסליו) ה'תשס"ו
Halachos on
Kiddush- heard from Moreinu V.Rabeinu
Harav Hagaon R.Shlomo
Miller Shlita
by Harav Hagaon R. Yehudah
Gestetner** Shlita
** Mechaber Sefer שבת שלמה
It's best to make Kiddush on
wine, grape juice, beer or
a full רביעית of whiskey.
If the above is not
available, it's better to make Kiddush
on a full cup of coffee than
on a small whiskey glass.
When making Kiddush on
1) It's preferable to use a
quality coffee (Starbucks etc.)
The better the quality the
more it is qualified as חמר מדינה
2) The coffee should be
filled to the top of the cup.
3) Hot coffee should not be
completely cooled off.
4) The coffee should not be
too hot as you are meant to
drink a מלא לוגמיו (between
2-3 oz. depending on the
size of individuals mouth)
in one gulp.
5) B'dieved even if you sip
the coffee and finish the
Shiur within 5 minutes, you
are Yotzei.
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