Tuesday, April 25, 2017

אין דבר

אין דבר                                                         

R. (Shlomo) Zalmen Hena  (רז"ה)  was one of the greatest Balei Dikduk. The Pri Megadim calls him “Harav Hamedakdek  Hagadol” (O. Ch. 56)

It is said that the Vilna Gaon acquired his knowledge in dikduk from the seforim of the Rezah.

In the year 1725, the Rezah printed his Siddur “Bais Tefilah” with his pirush “Sha’arei Tefillah”. The Siddur has a Haskamah from the Chacham Zvi and other Gedolim.

Wherever the dikduk was incorrect, he changed the nusach.  He also changed from leshon Chachamim (KLUM) to leshon Torah (DOVOR) .

Most of the changes in the Bal Hatanya’s Siddur supposedly are based on the Rezah’s  Siddur “Bais Hatefilah” .

The Shu”t  Minchas Yitzchok (10 – 16) criticizes the  Siddurim printers for changing
the nusach from Klum to Dovor.

The Rezah was probably the first person to tamper with the nusach hatefilah. He held that dikduk overrides the nusach established by the anshei knesses hagedola.

The Yavetz (R. Yakov Emden ) criticized him strongly. He published a sefer (לוח ארש) whose sole purpose was to point out the mistakes and argue on the Rezah . In his Hakdama he writes

 “It is unbelievable what he (Rezah) did. He destroyed and broke fences, moved into

territory that doesn’t belong to him and there he destroyed and built without permission.
He made changes whenever he felt like it. He had the העזה (chutzpa) to tamper with the nusach of the Anshei Knesses Hagedola”.

The Yavetz also claimed that the haskama from his father, the Chacham Zvi was forged, in order to make for himself a great name (Rezah) .

R. Dovid Yitzchaki claimed that all the other Haskamos were also forged.

R. Mordechai Duseldorff wrote a Kunteres (Kunteres Hahasogos) with 192 proofs against the
Rezah. The Kunteres has a Haskama from the Noda B’yehuda .

After the Rezah another maskil and medakdek , Itzik Stanov appeared and followed the Rezah. He too changed the nusach according to dikduk and from
leshon chazal to leshon Tanach. (Leisheiv Basukah to Losheves Basukah) etc.

This trend continued.

 In some Chasidic courts, they added and subtracted
from the original nusach of the Anshei Knesses Hagedola.
Gradually, even in the non Chasidic siddurim, many changes crept in from the Rezah and Itzik Stanov.

Untill 300 years ago, every siddur , "Yisgadal Veyiskadash" was pronounced with a patach.

 Rezah changed it to Yisgadeil Veyiskadeish with a tzeirei.
The Mishna Verura quotes the Pri Megodim who quotes the Rezah to say it
with a tzeirei. 
Hence, in most  Litvishe Yeshivos they pronounce it with a tzeirei.

Some claim, that the first to introduce Mashiv Haruach Umorid HAGOSHEM
with a קמץ was Itzik Stanov. Until then everybody said HAGESHEM with a סגול.
It is hard to believe and to accept that some parts in our Nusach Hatefillah has 
changes in them which were done by Maskilim.



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