Monday, October 31, 2016

No Bull

In the Torah the months have no names.They are
numbered (1st, 2nd etc.) except for Nissan which is called  
Chodesh Ha'aviv.
In Tanach we find different names for some months.
 ניסן = אביב, אייר = זיו,  תשרי = ירח האתנים, מרחשון= בול
The months אלול,כסליו,טבת,שבט,אדר & ניסן appear in 
Tanach (as is)
Chodesh Cheshvan in Tanach (Melochim 1:6:38 is referred
to  as ירח בול  month of Bul.
The Midrash (Tanchuma) writes that after the Mabul
it used to rain heavily for 40 days starting from Rosh
Chodesh Cheshvan. Shlomo Hamelech after completing
the Bais Hamikdash davened for the rain to stop.
Therefore the מ from מבול was removed and changed 
to בול. (The month the Bais Hamikdash was completed)
The Pri Chadash writes if a Get was dated ירח בול it is
a kosher Get
The Rema (Hl. Gittin 126 :6) writes to spell the month
מרחשון  (not חשון ) in a Get.
The Poskim (Pischei Teshuva- Get Poshut)  rule if it was written  חשון “      
it is Kosher B’dieved.

Harav Hagaon R. Y.S. Elashiv zt"l ruled , If a Rosh Yeshiva,
Rov etc. was Mesader with a Kesubah spelled “ חשון “ ,    
since B’dieved it is Kosher, you should not embarrass him
to correct his mistake.

Hilchos Vsain Tal Umatar for travellers.

Summary of  shiur this past Shabbos at Vasikin Minyan
by Moreinu V'Rabeinu Harav Hagaon R.  Shlomo Miller Shlita
Memorized & written by Harav Hagaon R.Ezriel Yehuda Gestetner Shlita* .
*(מחבר ספר שבת שלמה)

 Hilchos Vsain Tal Umatar for travellers.

·  Travellers just visiting EY (even if you are already in EY before they start saying Vsain Tal Umatar) should say Vsain Bracha in Boruch Aleynu and Vsain Tal Umatar in Shema Koleynu.

·  Bochurim who are learning in EY and plan on returning to Chutz Laaretz for Peasach permanently should also follow the above.

·  Bochurim (or anyone else) who are planning to stay in Eretz Yisroel till the summer (even if they will be returning to Chutz Laaretz for Peasach and will be returning to EY after Pesach) should start saying Vsain Tal Umatar like the Bnei Eretz Yisroel.

·  If the above Travellers mistakenly said Vsain Tal Umatar in Boruch Aleynu he does not have to repeat Shmono Esray.

·  If the above travellers mistakenly did not say Vsain Tal Umatar in Shema Koleynu he should try to be Yoitzaeh by hearing Chazaras Hashatz. If this is not possible he does not have to repeat Shmoneh Esrai.

·  If the above traverllers is Davening Shmoneh Esrai together with the Shatz during Chazaras Hashats he should say Vsain Tal Umatar in Boruch Aleynu along with the Shatz.

·  if the above travellers is Davening for the Amud he should say in his quiet Shmoneh Esrai as outlined above, and Chazaras Hashats should be said with Vsain Tal Umatar like the Bnai Eretz Yisroel.

·  When saying Vsain Tal Umatar in Shma Koleynu you must say "Vsain Tal Umatar Lvrocho Al Pnei Hadama".

·  Travellers from Eretz Yirsoel who are Bnei Eretz Yisroel who are travelling to Chutz Laaretz should say Vsain Tal Umatar like the Bnai Eretz Yisroel.

·  Travellers from Eretz Yirsoel who are Bnei Eretz Yisroel who are travelling to Chutz Laaretz and are Davening for the Amud should say Vsain Tal Umatar in the quiet Shmoneh Esray and Vsain Bracha in Chazarfas Hashatz.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Vort On Parshas Bereishis

לכבוד יום השנה של החתם סופר זצוק"ל כ"ה תשרי

Rashi explains the first Pasuk , בראשית [הכל] ברא  
We translate the Pasuk  as if the word Hakol was
placed between Breishis and Boroh.

The Chasam Sofer  asks if the word Hakol needs to be
there so then why is it missing. The Chasam Sofer
answers it is to honour the Bnei Yisroel. The Gemoro*
says that Bnei Yisroel are greater than the Malochim.
The Malochim may not verbalise Hashem's name
until they say three words קדוש קדוש קדוש ה'

Whereas the Bnei Yisroel may say Hashems name
 after two words שמע ישראל ה'     .

The Chasam Sofer connects the last Pasuk in Devarim
לעיני כל  ישראל  “ to Breishis Boroh Elokim
In honour of  the Bnei Yisroel.

The Hakol is missing and  have only two words before the word Elokim

On the other hand,In heaven for the Malochim there it says, Breishis Hakol Boro. They need three words before the
word Elokim.

My father ע"ה  added to the Chasam Sofer connecting the
Last Pasuk in Kesuvim we read.  We end  the
Koheles  with the Pasuk

סוף דבר הכל נשמע את האלהים ירא- כי זה כל האדם    

The Hakol is only heard (understood) and not seen
Because the Torah was given to G-d fearing humans
(Bnei Yisroel) 
 בידי שמים חוץ מיראת שמים  הכל
The word Hakol is in heaven (Malochim) Chutz , it’s outside of our Torah Miyras Shomayim because of the G-d fearing
(Bnei Yisroel) for their honour .
*Chulin 91b

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Yom Tov's son

Yom Tov's son

The Bais Yosef (O.Ch 494) quotes  the
Sefer Ha'agur who quotes the Tosfos Rid
who quotes the Yershalmi (Avoda Zara 1:1) 
בריה דמועדא*  (son of Yom Tov) referring to 
Isru Chag.

*The Pnei Moshe translates בריה, a "Seuda"

and not  "son"

SImchas Torah -Zogt A Nigun


In many  Botei Medrashim/Yeshivos, some of the Nigunim during
Hakafos are  Yiddish Nigunim (Gits Arein, Olam Habo etc.)

R .I.Z  Meltzer Zt"l used to sing during the Hakafos
the song “Kometz Alef Oh Kometz Bais Boh- and  the song
“Omar Abaya”. R.Isser Zalmen claimed these were the Nigunim
they sang in Volozhin Yeshiva during the Hakafos.

In some Ashkenaz Shuls, they are Makpid not to sing any 
songs with Pesukim . They sing only the Piyutim printed
in the Machzor and Nigunim without words.

It is very likely , that in the olden days they would not sing
Pesukim and therefore sang only Yiddish Nigunim etc.

Many are not aware there is an Issur to sing Pesukim.
They are also not aware that the Poskim  tried desperately
to justify why almost everybody sings Pesukim and are not
concerned with the Gemoro – התורה חוגרת שק- עשאוני
בניך כמין זמר .

R. Moishe Feinstein writes (Igros Moshe Y.D.2: 142) He doesn’t know of a
good reason to justify it.
R. Chaim Kanyevsky Shlita holds one may only sing Pesukim
If the intention is to praise Hashem. Singing Pesukim for Simcha is
forbidden even for  Choson/Kallah.

R.Y.S. Elyashuv zt”l is Matir if one's intention is to pronounce with
the Nigun the meaning of the words ,for instance, מה אהבתי תורתך
then one is allowed to sing.(The music should match the words and
help in the Kavana). 
There is also a problem singing the Piyut of האדרת והאמונה on
Simchas Torah.
The Mogen Avraham writes (O.Ch. 565) one may not say this
Piyut ברבים except for once a year on Yom Kippur.
Could be that by adding the Yiddish words צוא וועמען צוא וועמען 
might solve the problem.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Happy Chanuka

                               ימי שמחה 

The Mogen Avraham  (O.Ch 625) quotes from the Maharil
not to fast or say Tachanun between Yom Kippur and Sukkos, 
because they are ימי שמחה  
We commemorate the Chanukas Hamizbeiach in the time of
Shlomo Hamelech.
The Levush writes  the reason is, Hashem doesn’t count 

the חטאים untill the first day Succhos.

The Sixth Seasons

Rashi on זרע וקציר וקור וחם וקיץ וחרף (Breishis 8:22),
quotes the Gemoro  Bava Metzia 103b.
There are six seasons in the year, each lasting for two months.
The first season of Zera starts in Chatzi (15) Tishrei.

My father a"h said, on the famous Midrash on
ולקחתם לכם ביום הראשון"- Rishon L'cheshbon
Avonos. Perhaps the orignal girsa was עונות
instead of עוונות (difference in spelling only one vav)
Seasons instead of sins.

The first day of Sukkos (15 Tishrei ) is the first day of the
first season” Zera”.

The Gemoro says that the Na'anuim (shaking of the Lulav)
rids the world,from harmful winds and dew. TheTorah said
the Lulav should be taken on the first day of  זרע

to rid the planting season from harmful weather.

More Gedolim Pictures For The Sukka

He was the Mechaber of one of the most popular Seforim
(can be found in almost every Bais Medrash)  

Who is this mystery Mechaber?

For answer Click Here

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Gedolim Pictures For The Sukka


As children, many of us were led to believe 
that Avraham Avinu, Moishe Rabeinu etc. 
wore a Shtreimel and the שמונה בגדים of the 
Chasidishe Rebbes.

Many adults are not aware and wouldn't
believe that there were Gedolei Olam who did not 
cover their head, (even during Davening) 

were clean shaven and even wore a wig.

R. Dovid Nieto Rav in London
Mechaber: Mateh Dan Kuzari Sheini
wore a shaitel
a friend of the ChachamTzvi

Fought the Shabsi Tzvi.
R. Yehuda Arye Modini
No headcover.
Mechaber: Sefer Ari Noham
Bais Lechem Yehuda etc.
Piyut יום זה יהי משקל כל חטאתי
R. Moishe Chafetz
no headcover clean shaven
Mechaber: Meleches Machsheves.
Mechaber: Mesilas Yeshorim etc.
clean shaven


                                                                               אשמנו בגדנו גזלנו     

One of the Vidui booklets in English who claims 
it's based on the Chayai Adam & Otzar Hatefilos
adds to the Vidui of גזלנו  "disturbing someone's 
I checked the Chayai Adam, Otzar Hatefilos &
Chida and none of them mention גזל שינה .
under  גזלנו

 גזל שינה (robbing sleep) is not mentioned
in Shas Bavli, Yerushalmi or any of the Poskim.
(pre Chofetz Chaim)

The first Mokor (source) is in the Sefer Chofetz Chaim.

R. Ch. Kaniyevski shlita said it has no connection to

Hilchos גזילה but a Musar concept of ואהבת לרעך.        

Monday, October 10, 2016

Don't Forget To Make Kiddush

      Kiddush on Yom Kippur

Mitzvos  דאורייתא (Min Hatorah) requires Kavanah,
otherwise, you are not יוצא.
Kiddush on Friday night is דאורייתא .

Kiddush on Yom Kippur is a Machlokes between R.Akiva
Eiger who holds it is not דאורייתא * and the Chasam Sofer
(Hagahos O.Ch.271) who holds it is a Mitzvah דאורייתא  to
make Kiddush on Yom Kippur.

According to the Chasam Sofer when Davening the
Shmonah Esrei on Yom Kippur night you are required to
 have in mind (Kavanah) when saying
ברוך – מקדש ישראל ויום הכפורים
to be יוצא מצות קידוש.
According to Mori V'Rabi Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller Shlita,
"Those who are unaware that this Bracha is the Kiddush for יו"כ
are מתעסק which is worse than not having Kavanah.
Everybody will agree in this case you are not  יוצא מצות קידוש
even according to R.A. Eiger who holds it's דרבנן ".

*Yom Kippur that falls on Shabbos
even R.A.E. will admit it's Deorysa

and needs Kavanah

Friday, October 7, 2016

Only On Yom Kippur You Are Allowed

According to the Magen Avraham & MishnaVerurah. (565) 
There is only one day in the year (YomKippur) that 
the Piyut האדרת והאמונה ,לחי עולמים  may be said בציבור 

In Nusach Sfard (Ari)  it is said every Shabbos. 
They don't follow this Psak of the  Magen Avraham/M.V.
Nusach Ashkenaz says it only on Yom Kippur

There are two* more things that are allowed to be done 
only on Yom Kippur and not the rest of the year.

1) Standing up for קריאת שמע.
2) Saying י"ג מדות & סליחות in the night time before חצות

*that I could think of.- Saying aloud  בשכמל"ו is done also during the year.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Parshas Hashovua-Parshas Vayeleich

Parshas Hashavua
 טף למה באין, כדי ליתן שכר למביאיהן

 The Gemoro asks why were  infants brought to the Mitzvah  
of Hakhel. The Gemoro answers, to reward the
ones who brought them. (the parents)

From this Gemoro it seems, there is no benefit for infants,
to be brought to the Bais Hamidrash just to listen to the  learning.
Otherwise, the simple answer  should have been they came
to listen so to have the Torah  absorbed in them.

How do we explain Chazal ( Yerushalmi Yevamos 8b) The mother of
R. Yehoshua brought him in his crib  (infant) into the Bais Haknesess
so his ears will be attached to Torah.

Mori V’rabi Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller Shlita said , 
"The Gemoro holds, there is  no benefit for a child who doesn’t 
understand, to listen to Torah learning. Torah doesn’t get 
absorbed just by listening,without understanding it.

That is the reason of the Gemoro  asks why to bother bringing 

The Gemoro answers, Hashem rewards parents who believe 
it will benefit the child and therefore bring the child to the Bais 

The reward is they do benefit and become Talmidei Chachamim.
TheTorah gets absorbed in them.This is the  שכר למביאיהן

Since the Segulah only works as a reward, for bringing 
the child to listen and absorb Torah

If the child was brought to Shul  not for that purpose but for other 
reasons such as to give  the mother a break so she could have a 
rest etc,  this child will not benefit listening to Torah being in the 
Bais Hamedrash since he doesn't understand and the parents 

are not be rewarded for bringing them."

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Because you Daven Nusach Ashkenaz
you may do it only once* a year.

*on Yom Kippur

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