Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Wrong answer please try again

Wrong answer please try again

Many of you, answered, that "Chazal added
an issur even when the profit is greater than the
value of the tree because of Sakana."

This answer is totally incorrect.

There is no such Chazal. On the contrary, Chazal (Bava Kama 91-92)
said you may cut down a fruit tree if the profit is greater
than the tree. The Rosh adds even if it is not more profitable
but  the space is needed.
The Taz a few lines later writes that he himself was
Matir to cut down a fruit tree so they can build a house in its place.

It is true that Tzavo'as R. Yehuda Hachasid forbids cutting
down the tree even in such a case because of Sakanah but that is not

Chazal Assering.

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