The original Tzedaka boxes (Pushkas) goes back to the times of the Bais Hamikdash
(13 Shofros). They were called Shofros. It was shaped like a Shofar one side narrow, where the coins were fed. The other end was wide for the coins to accumulate.
The Eretz Yisroel
Kollelim (Kupat Rambahn) were the first to
introduce Pushkas to be placed in every home.
Tzadaka was raised only by Gaboim approaching individuals
. The Gaboim
approached only the well to do Ba’alei Batim.
The not so well to do Ba'alei Batim were never
Having a Pushka in the house made it possible to
raise funds even from the poor and the not so rich.
Dropping single pennies in the Pushka even the poor
were able to do. Over the year it accumulated to a
substantial amount.
It was mostly the women who inserted money in
the Pushka. before Hadlakas Neiros and many
other occasions.
Another ingenious
concept that was introduced then,
to attach the name“ R.Meir Ba’al Haness “to the
Pushka. The Segulah of a R. Meir Ba’al Haness Pushka
in the house was accepted by all
There was no Jewish
home without a
R,M,B,H, Pushka . It became the
holiest and most important Tzedaka . Many even today
consider it as the number one Tzedaka for Segulos.
In the previous generation, there were countless
women and some men who believed the money put
in the Pushka
goes to some Ba'al Mofes named
Rabbi Meir Ba'al.Haness.
Even today there are many people who use the term "giving
money to R.Meir B.H."(as if he will be getting the money) based
on the previous generations who believed this to be the case
and used the term giving it to R.M.B.H..
Some claim,(Toldos Chachmei Hadoros)
"The original fund for Aniyei E. Yisroel was called
Kupas Ramban.
(רמב"ן ) This fund was established
by the Ramban (The Rishon)
centuries before the Talmidei Hagra &
arrived in E. Yisrael.
The original name "Kupat Ramban" remained
but they changed the meaning of the
Roshei Teivos from R.Moshe Bar Nachman to
R. Meir Ba'al Haness."
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