Monday, August 8, 2016

Did you know? (157)

לז"נ הקדוש ר' משה בן  ר' ישיעהו הי"ד 

   נעקד"ה  ג' אב ע"י הגרמנים הארורים ימ"ש 

Hello, Goodbye, Good morning. Good Evening,

Sefer Leket Yosher (Talmid of Terumas Hadeshen)
quotes from the Terumas Hadeshen 
"The Issur* of שאילת שלום  is only when the 
word שלום is used. Saying Good Evening etc. 
is allowed**."

* Aveilus & Tisha B'av
** The T.H.  wouldn't
 personally rely on his 

own Heter.

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