Tuesday, July 5, 2016

YOm Kippur Katan

In Shulchan Aruch Hl. Kerias Shema (O.Ch.61:13 ) it says that 
the pasuk of ברוך שם כבוד  מלכותו should be said quietly.

In Hl. Yom Hakipurim (619:2) it says to say it aloud (being we are
compared to Malochim on that day.)

How can we say it aloud at the end of Yom Kippur Katan?


  1. In my shul that say it quietly on YK katan.

  2. The actual Minhag of not saying it aloud is when there is
    no Minyan of fasters.
    It is very possible this being the reason (by fasting you are compared to Malach).
    It is said, It is more difficult to have a full stomach and know
    you will fast for the next 24 hours than have an empty stomach and
    know you will eat within the hour.
    Therefore the Baruch Sheim on Yom Kippur Mariv is said aloud (similar to Malach)
    and the Baruch Sheim of the Mariv on Motzei Y.K. is said quietly (busy thinking of food)


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