Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chasidim follow the Shulchan Aruch

The Mechaber (Shulchan Aruch O.Ch.8:11) writes:

"The Ikar Mitzvah of Talis Katan is to wear it on
top of the clothing worn so it will be seen at all times
and remember the Mitzvos".

The Magen Avraham quotes from the Kesavim
(Kisvei Arizal) not to do so but to wear it underneath
the clothing.

KETER JUDAICA Boys Perf-Tzit Undershirt Tzitzis with Ashkenaz Strings - White, 3

Most Chasidim* wear the Talis on their shirt (Shulchan Aruch)
Non Chasidim wear the Talis Katan under the shirt (Kabbalah)

*except Chabad

1 comment:

  1. "Most Chasidim* wear the Talis on their shirt"

    1) Many (non Habad) Chasidim do not seem to do so. Especially those out working 'in the world'.

    2) If they wear it (tallis katan) over their shirt, however, they have another outer beged on as well (vest, jacket, bekeshe, etc.) over it, then it is not on top of their clothing, not the outermost beged.


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