Daf Hashavua
Gittin 81b
והאמר ר' יוחנן הלכה כסתם משנה
-אמוראי נינהו ואליבא דר'
The Chasam Sofer (Shu"t
E.H.2:71) explains
that all agree that
R.Yochanan said Halacha
K'stam Mishna. The Talmidim
argue if it is
also applicable when there is
a Machlokeh
in a Breisa*.
According to Rabah B.B.Ch.. R.Yochanan
would agree that the Halacha
is not like the
Stam Mishna. It is possible
Rebbe wasn't aware
of the Machlokeh in the Breisa and
had he known
of it he would not have
paskened like the Stam.
The othe Amorei argues and
holds even when
the Machlokeh is in a Breisa the
Halacha is
like the Stam because Rebbe
knew of every
Machlokeh even if mentioned
in a Breisa.
The Ch.S. continues that this
Machlokeh is
only on Rebbe who was a Gavra
therefore one Amorei holds
that Rebbe knew
every Shita. On other
Gedolim, even the
Amorei will agree that it is possible for
them not being aware of
another Shita and had they been aware of it
they might have changed
their mind.
(see Rema Ch.M. 25:2)
*"ובזה מיושב קושי' עצומה מה שמקשו מרבב"ח
(חולין מ"ג ע"א) דס"ל הלכה כסתם משנה נגד משנה אחריתי
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