Thursday, September 24, 2015

Amazing follow up to the amazing story

Someone who recently read The Story Of Reb Itikiel And The Holocaust Survivor  was at an event during Aseres Yemei Teshuva.

He repeated the story in front of  a group of people. How surprising it was, when a stranger(R. Chaim Kurtz) in the crowd  stood up  and said that this story happened to none other  but his own father R. Mendel Kurtz A”H .  

I contacted R. Chaim Kurtz from Union City  N.Y. (son) to check the accuracy of the story.  

He had one correction. Reb Mendel the Holocaust survivor told R. Itzikel zt”l this Pshat he had heard in concentration camp from the  Viyapoler Rav zt”l. (it wasn’t his own Pshat as I  originally wrote)

Reb Chaim also added   that this happened on Shabbos Parshas Beshalach (Shira) and R Itzikel was very upset hearing this sad story on Shabbos.

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