Saturday, September 19, 2015


The Chida describes his travels* to Tunis:

He celebrated the Seder at the Rosh Hakohol R.Yehoshua Hakohen Tanuji.  The servants  name was Rachamim. He raised the Seder plate and surrounded it three times over the heads of  all the men. Rachamim wasn’t sure how many times to do it for the women. The Chida told him there is a Pasuk

in Shoftim (5:30)   רחם רחמתים לראש גבר Rachem = 1 Rachmosaim =2 : 2+1 = 3 times.Only L’rosh Gever over the head of a man  and not for a woman.

The original Minhag is brought down in th Bais Yosef( O.Ch. 473) in the name of R. Yeruchem. ”The Minhag is to raise the basket over the heads of the children

and to say   לפיכך אנחנו חייבים –

מעגל טוב *

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