Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Minhag vs. Halacha

One of the Chevra Kadisha members of Pressburg died on
Shmini Atzeres. They made the Lavaya on Simchas Torah.

R. Shlomo Zalmen Unsdorfer zt”l,  who was the Chevra Kadisha
Rov in Pressburg,  was Maspid the Niftar on Yom Tov.

R. Shmuel Unsdorfer zt”l asked his father why he was Maspid
on Yom Tov.
His father showed him  the Chevra Kadisha Pinkas which had 
Haskamos from both, the Tosfos Yom Tov and from the Chasam Sofer.

It says there, if a Chevra Kadisha member  dies, you are Maspid

him even on days when Hesped is Assur. (no reason given)

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