Monday, May 12, 2014

Kalus Roish In A Beis Hakevoros

In Shulchan Aruch( Y.D. 368:1) It speaks about how not behave in a Bais Hakevores,   
with  קלות ראש (light headiness- disrespect) . You may not eat or drink there. You
may not do calculations (business).You may not use it as a short cut, etc.

The Pischei Teshuva quotes the Chasam Sofer that this Issur applies for the whole
Bais Hakevores. The Teshuvos Yehuda Ya’aleh ( Y.Osad) also writes that Kalus Rosh
is forbidden in the whole Bais Hakevores whereas  Loeg L’rosh is only within 4 Amos.

It is interesting, that in Shulchan Aruch there is no mention of dancing or music in a
Bais Hakevores.
There are 2 possibilities ,
       a)  It is so obvious, there is no need to mention it, the same way there is
            no need to mention, not to allow your cat to sleep in an Aron Hakodesh.
b) Dancing & music in a Bais Hakevores is not considered Kalus Rosh.

    (and is allowed)

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