כי יד על כס
אין שמו שלם ואין כסא שלם עד שימחה זרעו של
It is missing the ו& ה (Hei&Vav)
from the Yud Kei and the א
from the Keis.
My father, R. Z. Y. Friedman a”h, said, that it is also
from the Shem Adni, the Nun & Yud. ( The Shem Yud
Kei Vav Kei
is pronounced “Ado-oy” [last two letters]).
(השמים כסאי
והארץ הדם רגלו )
The Kisei is in Shomayim and the Hadom is in this world.
The same way as it is missing the א
from כסא , so too is it missing
the מ from הדם
The missing Osiyos are המנאוי = המן אגגי
Galus started with the Cheit of the Eitz Hadaas.
Hashem asked Adam Ayeka- איכה?
איכה ישבה
בדד The
Zohar starts with שכינתא
אAlef –
יYud –
Yud Kei Vav Kei
- Kisei
ה Hei- Hadom
These four words have missing letters
and are incomplete, עד
שימחה זרעו של עמלק
Bimheira Veyameinu Amen.
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