Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Shabbos 25 Elul

This year, on  Shabbos (Nitzavim Vayelech), not only should you learn the two sidrahs.
(Parshas Hashavua) You should also start a third one and continue on for the next
six days.

The Chida in Bikurei Yosef quotes R. Yisroel Lingo who quotes the Sefer Mesaprim Tehilos Hashem.

On the 25th day of Ellul (this coming Shabbos) the first day of creation, you should learn from

" Breishis Boro Elokim" until Yom Echad.

On the second day till Yom Sheini and so on every day. 

On Rosh Hashana the day creation was completed you start from Yom Hashishi till end of Parsha.

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