Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why Skip?

When learning Gemoro Meseches Nazir 33a skip  33b and go straight to 34a 


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How Many Meraglim

In this week's Parsha, How many Meraglim did Moishe send to Eretz Yisroel?

a) 10
b) 12
c) 18
d) 24
e) 36


b) 12

d) 24

Tosfos ( Sotah 34a d"h Turtani) quotes the Yerushalmi "Ish Echod Ish Echod L'mateh

Avosov"  Machlokes between R. Yishmael who holds Dibra Torah Kilshon Odom

(The Torah speaks like humans do ) and therefore even though the Torah repeats Ish Echod

twice, it still means one person per Shevet. R. Akivah holds Lo Dibra-  it says in the Torah

twice Ish Echod because there were two people per Shevet. (24 Meraglim).

Friday, May 24, 2013

How to be mekayam Mitzvas Hachnasas Kallah

The actual Mitzva of Hachnasas Kallah is to  come and celebrate at the Chupa.
The Yosef Ometz writes.
"Mitzvah Gedolah of Hachnasas Kallah is one of the Mitzvos that have no shiur. (monetary
donations does have a shiur)
Most people are not makpid at all to be mekayam this Mitzvah. Even when they hear the
announcement to come to the Chupa or they see the walking of the Kallah to the Chupa,
They refrain to go even though they have no loss in money etc.—
Therefore it is very important to be diligent in this Mitzva Kalla (easy Mitzva) which has great

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Standing For Aseres Hadibros

1) The Shu"t Harambam # 46 says not to standup when the Aseres Hadibros are read.(Ta'arumos Haminim)

2) The Yavetz ,Chida etc. bring the Minhag of standing up for the Aseres Hadibros.

3) The Igros Moshe (O.Ch. 4 - 22) says if your Minhag is to sit and you are in a Shul where they stand
you must stand up. (Minhag Hamakom)

4) R. Y. S. Elyashuv (Shiurei Brachos 12a) Even when in a Shul where they all stand you should sit
(don't get up) because they are all doing against the din ( standing up for the Aseres Hadibros. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Minhag on Shavuos, that you should not change

                              The Rokeach writes, not to change this Minhag

Minhag Avoseinu is, to bring the children on Shavuos early morning (Ka’alos Hashachar) to the Beis Hakneses.
They should be covered with a coat  all the way from their home  ,( remez to Vayisyatzvu Tachas Hahar.)
The child is placed on the lap of the Rav. with a tablet, written on it is  AB-GAD, TASH- RAK (Alef Bais, forwards
and backwards), Torah Tziva, Vayikrah. Tha Rav reads and the child repeats after him.
Honey is placed on the alef Bais and the child licks it off. A Honey cake is brought in. The following words are
written on the cake
 *וכתוב עליה ה׳
אלהים נתן לי לשון לימודים לדעת לעות את יעף דבר יעיד בבקר בבקר יעיר לי אזן
לשמע בלימודים ה׳ אלהיפ פתח לי אזן ואנכי לא פדיתי ואחור לא נםוגותי

Afterwards a cooked peeled egg is brought in. On the egg peel is written the following words

ויאמר אלי
בן אדם בטנך תאכל ומעיר תמלא את המגילה הזאת אשר
אני נותן אליך ואוכלה ותהי בפי כדבש למתוק

You feed the child the honey cake and egg because it is good for  opening of the heart.

ואל ישנה אדם מן המנהג
 and a person should not change from the Minhag

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Minhagim that are weird (according to Haman)

In Targum Sheini on Megilas Esther it says, Haman told Achashveirosh about the Yidden
that they are different and have weird Minhagim. The Targum Sheini lists all the Minhagim
that Haman complained about. One of them is , on Shavuos they go on top of the Shul's
roof and throw down apples.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Daf Hashavua Eruvin 64 a

Daf Hashavua 
Eruvin 64 a

Dr. Judah told me, he once asked his father in law (R. P. Hirshprung  zt"l)
The gemara says If one wants to take leave from his friend, he should do
so by saying a dvar halacha, doing so, he will remember him.

He asked who is the one that is supposed to say the dvar halacha and who
remembers. Is it the one that stays on or the one who leaves.*
R.Hirshprung answered that probably the the one who is leaving says
the dvar halacha and the one who stays on, remembers.
Dr. Judah asked him maybe the opposite. R. Hirshprung answered yes
could be the opposite. (The one who stays on says the dvar halacha etc.)
D.J. asked again maybe both have to say the dvar halacha. R.S. answered

yes could be so.
D.J. said " I am surprised at the schver that he dosn't have an answer
from the gemara". R.S. asked him which seder in shas would he find
the answer. D.J. said that he wants to make it easier for the schver.
The answer is based on a gemara in eiruvin.
It didn't take more than a few seconds and Rabbi Hirshprung said
yes you are right the answer is in eiruvin 64a at the bottom of the amud.
(answer both)

* Seems from the Maharsha (Brachos 31a) the one who leaves says the dvar Halacha.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Eating Milchigs On Shavous

The Mishna Verura (494 sk 12) says one of the reasons for eating Milchigs on Shavuos
is because after Matan Torah, they couldn’t eat meat, because it was too time consuming.
They would need to shecht, remove the chailev , rinse ,salt and cook in a new pot.
They chose instead milchig.
What's pshat ?
Matan Torah was on Shabbos and couldn’t do all this because of issur Shabbos and not because
of takes too much time

This question was answered by the Chofetz Chaim  himself.
(There exists today, a copy of his hand written answer.)
He answered that the reason he wrote, “they didn’t eat meat
because of lack of time” rather than because of issur
Shabbos, was, he wanted to give reason even according
to the Pirke d’Reb Eliezer who holds that the Torah was
given on Friday.*

*According to the Bavli , Hakol Modim Shebeshabbos Nitna Torah.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Vayokom Melech Chodosh-What's New ?

Daf Hashavua
Eruvin 53a

There is a machlokes between Rav & Shmuel on the Pasuk Vayokom Melech Chodosh
One holds that there was a new king. The other holds it was the same king with
new decrees. (Gezeiros)
The Toras Chaim writes this machloke makes a Nafka Minei (difference) Lahalacha.
If someone sells a newly renovated house as a brand new house, do we consider 
it is a legal sale.
Another Nafka Minei Lahalacha , If someone renovates his home, does he
get sent back from going to war.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Shavous Trivia

What do Erev Shavuos & Hoshana Rabah have in common ?

There is something  forbidden to be done on only two days (weekday) in the year..

The two days are, Erev Shavuos & Hoshana Rabbah.

" The minhag is not to do Hakazas Hadam (bloodletting)

on every Erev Yom Tov " (Shulchan Aruch O.Ch 468 – 10 ).*
There is a type of bloodletting with a cup where no blood is removed
from the body. All it does is brings up the blood to the surface of the
skin. (in Yiddish it’s called “Bankess)
The Mishna Verura sk 38 writes that "Bankess" (kep zetsin) is allowed
on Erev Yom Tov , except for, on Hoshana Rabbah (Yom Hadin) and on
Erev Shavuos. (SheidTabuach comes out)

Shu"t Mahri Brona (118) writes that the Mahri Weil went to the bathhouse in Erfurt
(Germany) on Erev Shabbos - Erev Shavuos (Sunday Monday -Shavuos) and told
the Bachurim not to do Hakazas Dam (blood letting) because it is considered as
Erev Yom Tov.
They didn't listen to him, and became dangerously sick . The Mahri Weil said they
deserved this to happen to them, for not listening to the Psak from his Rebbe the
Mahril "On a Friday that is a day before Erev Yom Tov, it is  also Assur to do Hakazas Dam". 

*The Gemoro in Shabbos 129b says on Erev Shavuos a Sheid called Tabuach came
out and said “ If the yidden won’t bemekabel the Torah I will slaughter their
flesh and blood. Chazal were gozer not to do Hakazas Hadam every Erev Yom Tov
because of Erev Shavuos.

Kushya w no answer # 2

The Chok Yackov O. Ch. 489 quotes the Mahril that on the last day of Sefirah you
count Hayom Tisha V’arbaim Yom S’haim Shivah Shavuos Baomer Umachroso Erev
The Pri Megadim asks , where did the Mahril get this din and why would you need
to add Umachroso Erev Shavuos to the counting of the last day of the Sefirah.
If you look inside the Mahril you will see that,
The Mahril says that on the last day you count Tisha V’arbaim Yom S’haim Shivah Shavuos
Baomer . PERIOD- STOP –NEW SENTENCE - Umachroso Erev Shavouos . This is not part of
the counting, just telling about the following day.
What's Pshat in the Chok Yakov & Pri Megadim ?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Kushya With No Answer-Part 1

The Magen Avraham(494-1) asks, How can we say on  Shavouos “Yom Matan Toraseinu”?
We pasken like R.Yosi that Matan Torah was on the 7th of Sivan. (not on 6th)
All poskim  (Rambam ,Tur ,Shulchan Aruch etc.) say that on Shavouos we say ZMAN
Matan-and not YOM Matan- , so what’s pshat in the Magen Avraham's question?


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