Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Sod (secret) of Lag Baomer (Chasam Sofer)

There are seven parts to a day   (Sheva Bayom Hillalticha Tehillim 119)
7 weeks x 7 days x7parts of the day (7x7x7)                                          = 343
Omer = 310 + 33      (Lag Omer)                                                                = 343
Hod x Hod (15 x15)                                                                                      = 225
Minim Ugov   (represents the sefira of Hod,*)                                        = 225
225 Reish Kof Hei (bemiluo)                                                                      = 620
2 x Shai Olamos  310 x2 (Tzadik v’Tzadik )                                              = 620
Keser       (for Tzadikim)                                                                             = 620
Kareis      (for Reshaim)                                                                              = 620

*10 Hallelluhus = 10 sefiros

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