Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Lag Baomer-Trivia

How come when you count the Omer some say Baomer
and others say Laomer yet when mentioning
the holiday of Lag Baomer nobody says Lag Laomer?

The Taz (O. Ch. 489 sk 3) writes that the Ran (end of
Pesachim) uses the girsa of Laomer.

The Taz continues..

Baomer is more accurate according to Dikduk.

Minhag Ashkenaz and the Gra hold to say Baomer.

The Arizal -Shlah hold to say Laomer. The Mishna
Verura writes that most Poskim  hold to say Laomer.

Could be, the machlokes of Baomer /Laomer is only
when doing the mitzvah of sefira. When no mitzvah is
performed, all agree to use the more accurate word. 
(according to Dikduk)  


  1. Minhag Ashkenaz does not say Baomer. All old siddurim of Minhag Polin have Laomer. The Rama supposedly held Baomer . Minhag Ashkenaz (from Germany; the Maharil) said neither. They would say shehayom yom . . . . and say neither Laomer or Baomer and that is how the Rashba held.

  2. Minhag Ashkenaz is Laomer actually, seeעומר-לעומר-בעומר-שהיום/

  3. "when mentioning
    the holiday of Lag Baomer nobody says Lag Laomer"

    Some people do say Lag Laomer, it is found among Sefardim for example.


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