who was Pesachya

פתחיה* was in charge of the turtledoves & young doves in the Bais Hamikdash. He was **מרדכי בלשן

He is mentioned in Ezra 2:2 & Nechemya 7:7, amongst the ones who returned from Bavel with Ezra to Yerushalayim.

Mordechai left Yerushalayim to Shushan on a diplomatic mission to regain permission for the building of the Bais Hamikdash to be completed.

*The Ya'aros D'vash (R.Y.Eibschitz) claims that Psachya was his original name and Mordechai was added on later.

**The Ibn Ezra claims that בלשן was another person and not part of Mordechai's name. contrary to the Gemoro Minachos 65a who says Mordechai was called Bilshon because he was a linguist - philologist.

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