Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 61:8):

 "Matnas Kehuna may be 
given to a כהנת (female) even if she is 
married to a Yisroel. "

The Chasam Sofer (Shu"t Y.D. 301) 
writes he used to give* it to his brother in law** 
(who was married to a כהנת)

There is a Machlokes Rishonim
If a כהנת may also redeem a Bechor.

According to Tosfos (Kiddushin 8a dh R. Kahane)
2nd Tirutz one may use a כהנת for Pidyon Haben.

The Chasam Sofer writes If a כהן isn't available 
and the person who never had a Pidyon is in the 
Gevuros (the eighties) or a זריז who has no access to a כהן on the 30th day 
(they both don't want to take chances of dying
before having performed the Mitzvah)

They should use a כהנת without making  
the Bracha. They should make a תנאי that if no
כהן will be found, she shall be the redeemer.

*Halachically not necessary

**This Teshuva is dated before the Petirah
of his first wife, therefore, it must have 
been R' Hirsh Yervitz zt"l (unless there were
other brothers in the Yervitz Mishpacha)

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