Only two days (weekdays) in the year, this may not be done.
What & When



DON'T GO BANKESS ON הושענא רבה & ערב שבועות

" The minhag is not to do הקזת דם  (bloodletting) on
   every Erev Yom Tov " (שו"ע או"ח 468 – 10 ).*

There is another type of bloodletting with a cup where no
blood is removed from the body. All it does is it brings
up the blood to the surface of the skin. (in Yiddish it’s
called “Bankess)

The משנה ברורה sk 38 writes that Bankess- Kep Zetsin
(cupping therapy) is allowed on ערב יו"ט, except for, 
הושענא רבה (Yom Hadin) and on ערב שבועות 
(when the שד טבוח comes out)

Hence, These 2 days cupping therapy is forbidden.


*The Gemoro says on ערב שבועות a שד called טבוח
came out and said “ If the yidden won’t be mekabel the
Torah I will slaughter their flesh and blood. Chazal were גוזר 
not to do הקזת דם every ערב יו"ט because of ערב שבועות


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