The Bechorei Mitzrayim died in
the morning and not at midnight*
The Hakdamah to Meseches
Semachos, asks, it says (Shemos 12)
Bachatzi Halayla,
V’hashem Hika Kol Bechor – and in (Bamidbar 8)
it says, Beyom Hakosi
Kol Bechor.
R.Yochanan said (answered),
Hashem hit the Bechorim at Chatzos, they survived the night and died in the morning.
Harav Shlomo Zalman
Auerbach זצ"ל explained with this why in
Maariv we say המכה בעברתו כל בכורי
מצרים and in Shachris we
say כל בכוריהם הרגת
*according to R. Yochanan
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