Answer To The Sefira Riddle

Just because it's the 49th day of Sefirah, therefore

a) Sefirah on the 49th day is counted without a Bracha.             
b) The only day it is counted with a Bracha is on the 49th day.    


a) The Ben Ish Chai writes " On the 49th day when saying the לשם יחוד before Sefirah, one should skip the words
of שבע שבתות תמימות. If one said it he can't make a Bracha." (only on the 49th day)

b) The Mishna Verura quotes the Halichos Shlomo "women should not make a Bracha for Sefiras Haomer
because they tend to forget to complete the counting and they don't understand the Pirush Hamilim." 

If a Bais Yakov graduate counted the first 48 days, there is no reason for her not to make a Bracha on

the 49th day

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